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Using AutoText Effectively

As technical writers, we often have graphics or text that we need to reuse within a document or across documents.

For example, consider the following table, which we use to present a note. It is nothing but a formatted 2-column table with the note icon in the first cell and the note text in the second cell.


Every time you need to use a note in your content, you have to insert this table. One way is to copy and paste the table from elsewhere.

A simpler way is to use the AutoText feature of Microsoft Word. With the AutoText feature of Microsoft Word, you can save and reuse pre-formatted text and graphic elements.

Let us see how this can be done.

Adding a Content Element to the AutoText Gallery

  1. Format the text or graphic element you want to reuse.
    For example, we created the table to represent the note.
  2. Select the formatted content element.
    For example, we selected the note table.
  3. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Quick Parts and point to AutoText.
  4. In the gallery that opens, click Save Selection to AutoText Gallery.
    The Create New Building Box dialog box is displayed.Save Selection to AutoText Gallery.
  5. Type a Name for the building block.
    Keep the name short as we can use it as a shortcut.
    Create New Building Block
  6. Click OK.
    The building block is now saved and visible in the AutoText Gallery.
    Note in Gallery

Using an AutoText Entry

To use an AutoText entry:

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Quick Parts and point to AutoText.
  2. Click the AutoText entry you want.
    Note in Gallery

A simpler way to add an AutoText entry is to type the name of the AutoText entry and press F3 on the keyboard.

This is why we asked you to keep the name short. 🙂

Watch a video that demonstrates how you create an AutoText entry and use it in Microsoft Word.

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