Writing Tips

MLA Style Citation for Websites June 29, 2020
MLA Style Citation for a Website
This blog focuses on the MLA style citations for websites. As discussed earlier, using a formal citation style helps your reader understand that certain content is sourced from elsewhere and identify the source of referenced content easily.
MLA Style Citations for Books June 25, 2020
MLA Style Citations for Books
Citations help us give due credit and avoid plagiarism. Starting from this post, we will look at the MLA style for citations. This first post looks at the MLA style for citing books.
Tips for Creating an Effective Resume
Do we hear a collective groan? “Not another post of creating effective resumes,” you say? Let us begin by saying that this post is the result of our struggles with the resumes we get for the jobs we post. We often have to read a resume 2 or 3 times before we can…
Why Do Resumes Get Rejected?
Here is an interesting infographic posted by behiring.com on why resumes get rejected. You can see the original post at http://behiring.com/blogs/7 But we are not all doom and gloom! Here are some tips that will help you create an effective resume.
The Importance of Writing Precisely
Here is a wonderful example that illustrates why it is important to be precise! Professor Ernest Brennecke of Columbia University demonstrated how the placement of ONE WORD in a sentence can alter the meaning of the sentence completely. ONLY I hit him in the eye yesterday. (No one else did.) I ONLY…

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