Convert an Existing Word Document to Master and Subdocuments
In the earlier posts, we saw how to create a master document by linking subdocuments and all the things we can do with subdocuments from within a master document.
In this post, we will see how to convert parts of a long document into subdocuments with the original document functioning as the master document. When we do this, each subdocument will be saved as a separate file on the system and can be edited independently.
Download the sample file Microsoft_Word_Tips v1.docx that we will use to demonstrate creation of subdocuments.
- Open Microsoft_Word_Tips v1.docx.
- In the View tab, under the Views group, click Outline.
- Click the + next to the title Using the Extend Mode. This will select the title and all contents under it.
- In the Outlining tab, in the Master Document group, click Show Document. New options are displayed in the group Master Document.
- In the Outlining tab, in the Master Document group, click Create. The selected section is converted to a subdocument and the subdocument icon is displayed next to the title.
- Save the document.
- Open the folder in which the master document is saved. You will see the subdocument file here.
You can now edit the subdocument as an independent file and the changes will reflect in the master document.
For more details on working with master and subdocuments, refer: