Microsoft Word Tip: Generating Sample Text

Microsoft Word Tip: Generating Sample Text

December 14, 2019

Many a time, we want sample text in a document. For example, when creating a template, placeholder text can be used to define formatting and layout.

One way is to type or copy text from another document. Another way is to “generate” the sample text using the rand() and lorem() functions of Microsoft Word.

To generate random text in Microsoft Word:

  1. On a new line, type =rand(). Ensure there is no space between = and rand().

  2. Press ENTER. Microsoft Word generates sample text. How much and what text is generated depends on the version of Microsoft Word being used.

In addition, you have two other functions rand.old() and lorem() that can help you generate other text, and customise all three functions to control how much text to generate as seen in the table below.




Generates the text The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


Generates the lipsum text (Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…) that has been traditionally used as a placeholder.

=rand.old(p, s)

Helps you decide how much text you want to generate by specifying:

  • p = number of paragraphs of text to be generated
  • s = number of sentences in each paragraph

For example:

= rand(4,3)

Will generate four (4) paragraphs with three (3) sentences each.

Watch the video tutorial

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